57th Annual Oklahoma Steam and Gas Engine Show

Flying Eagle Design will be heading to Pawnee, Oklahoma for the weekend of May 3-5, 2024 for the 57th Annual Oklahoma Steam and Gas Engine Show. 

I am so excited to be going to this event, and it will be one of the biggest events the business has gone to since starting to attend in-person markets in 2022. As a small business, I am ready to get out into the community more and get to know the other people who are in the area that I might not have had the opportunity to meet yet. I am also excited to learn a bit about the history behind the steam and gas engines, and how they have played such a pivotal role in the local community. 

There are going to be many different exhibits, vendors, and activities taking place over the 3 day show, I am happy to be able to be a part of it. This historic event will be taking place at the Steam Engine Park in Pawnee, Oklahoma and is going to be a fun-filled experience. 

I look forward to getting out there, meeting members of the local community (and those from further away), and seeing the history of the area that I am not familiar with. 

Mark your calendars and come out to see us and the other vendors May 3-5 and have a great time! 

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